Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Moms on Girlsense

Yes there are many and they are AMAZING!! Being a mom myself, I get asked the question "Aren't you to old to be on Girlsense?" all the time. I am not offended by that question at all. Because the answer is "no" I'm not. Girlsense, although maybe originally geared for 11 - 14 year old girls, has quickly become a creative outlet for ladies of all ages! It's a community of younger and older...meshing ideas and interacting in fun and friendship...and why not? I have met some amazing girls...sisters, moms, daughters, neices of all ages! So why not visit a Girlsense mom today?! I think you'll be glad you did! Check out some of my fave GS Moms!!


  1. I agree, I really enjoy girlsense, although I havent been on in a LONG time, I need to find the time LOL I LOVE girlsense & I'm a mommy too :)

  2. hey my mom is on girlsense to....

    she doesn't get on much and isn't well experienced on it but she enjoys it!!

    her tique is shamiegirl!!
    be sure to visit mine trulyjamacin!!

    and visit my blog... yummyfashiionblog.blogspot.com

