Friday, March 27, 2009

GUPS Challenge 1 Results!

wow wow wow! How hard it is to judge beauty! I gave my honest opinions and I think all the contestants did grand. Check out all the critique and judges comments on BB's Blog Click HERE!

The winner for this week's Challenge - Jeans, was ŊŐ.ΓЄĢΓЄŤς!!

With her warm, rich colors,fabulous shoes and great layout, her set "Catching Summer" was a clear winner!
Catching Summer
Catching Summer - by ŊŐ.ΓЄĢΓЄŤς on

The winner for the Mini Challenge - DuckeeNay

This amazing display of water vs. tears, is incredible. The layering and feel of the set are just outstanding. Hmm maybe they are tears of joy! ;o)

Cry Me A River
Cry Me A River - by DuckeeNay on

Please visit and congratulate these awesome artists! Challenge 2 has the gals creating an ART set expressing the emotion assigned to them. (Hope, happiness, fear, anger, etc.) I can't wait to see the fabulous sets these contestants come up with. Join Girls United and follow your favorites! =]



  1. hehe thanks Speedy :) only thing is... while Britta's entry was gorgeous and fabulous... DUCKIE was the mini-challenge winner. :D

  2. omg I'll edit it right now...sorry Duckie gal! (((hugs)))
